Watch the Hilarious Video of Frank Calhoun–the Famous Fake Coach Who Taught LeBron James About Flopping

LeBron James Flopping

(Derick E. Hingle/USA Today Sports)

Over the last couple of years, flopping has been quite the popular topic in the NBA as players continue to try and find new ways to get called for fouls–especially LeBron James of the Miami Heat.

Unfortunately, James has been no secret to flopping over the last couple of years and it’s been obvious when he gets away with it as well–which is even more ridiculous. Even in the 2013 NBA Playoffs, there’s been plenty of flopping that has taken place between numerous players and Chris Bosh was even recently fined $5,000 for a ridiculous flop he pulled off in Game 4.

In honor of the 2013 NBA Finals and all of the flopping performed by James over the years, Mike Polk Jr. decided to have some fun with the issue with a spoof about James’ flopping coach.

Meet Frank Calhoun–the fake coach who taught LeBron and numerous other NBA players how to properly flop. As annoying as this issue is, Polk deserves all of the credit in the world for coming up with a hilarious spoof like this and provides fans with plenty of great flopping examples–especially the story about how he invented flopping during his playing days when he just decided to fall to the ground since he was great at free throws, but terrible at basketball.

Based off his website, it appears Polk is from Cleveland–which would explain why he must have enjoyed making this spoof ripping on LeBron. Well done Mr. Polk–can’t wait to see what other methods Frank Calhoun has in store for future generations of basketball.

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