Georgia HS Baseball Team Uses Helicopter To Render Rain Delays Useless

By Jerry Landry

You know why this story blows the “Squirrel Waterskiing” YouTube video “out of the water?” Because not only is using a helicopter to dry off a baseball field an amazing sight to behold, it’s also ridiculously resourceful.

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Now I know a lot of fuel was probably used, but I’m not going to “Al Gore” you with this one. The parents of the Pinecrest Academy baseball players were in a bind and had to think fast, and according to Michael Foster of the Forsyth County News, they weren’t as mentally agile as a parent from the visiting team.

According to Foster: Pregame deliberating had come to a standstill when the coaches opened ears to a parent of a King’s Ridge player, who eventually called in a helicopter to hover over and dry off the playing surface.

Now I want a helicopter available at every MLB game for just this purpose. But with one additional request: Bartolo Colon has to man the first chopper.

Jerry Landry is a writer for Follow Jerry on Twitter at @Jerry2Landry, “Like” him on Facebook or add him on Google

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