10 Reasons Why Alex Rodriguez Should Retire

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10 Pretend Reasons Why Alex Rodriguez Should Retire

USA Today Sports

Alex Rodriguez won't go away. MLB is trying its best to push him away, but so far he hasn't taken the hint. A-Rod has been slapped with a 162-game ban, which means that he'll be out of the game for at least all of 2014. But some like myself are hoping that he'll just walk away for good.

There were rumors of an A-Roid retirement in the summer of 2013. Many projected that he would retire for medical reasons before getting the hammer dropped on him by MLB. A medical type of retirement would have allowed the former slugger to keep all of the money owed to him on his contract. At the time he was facing a potential lifetime ban, which would have meant that all the remaining money on his contract would have become void. Now, he's taken a 'financial hit' with his one-year suspension, but it's clearly nowhere near the level of the lifetime ban.

Will A-Fraud actually retire before the 2015 season when he's eligible to return? I highly doubt it. He's fought this thing the entire way and going away quietly doesn't seem to be on his agenda. He keeps talking about his legacy, but at this point, he has no legacy. In the eyes of most baseball fans, Alex Rodriguez is a joke.

So while I'm not expecting an A-Rod retirement in the near future, I can still hope. It's with that in mind, that I created this slideshow. This is a list of 10 'for fun' reasons why Rodriguez should hang up his cleats for good. Although this is done in joking fashion, it still doesn't change the fact that I want this moron gone from the game of baseball. Enjoy:

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He Would Stop Hogging Jeter's Spotlight on the Left Side of the Infield

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That's Jeter's side of the infield in the Bronx, and everybody knows it. At least we know A-Roid won't be there for the Captain's likely final season in 2014.

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Countdown to His First Hall of Fame Denial Would Begin

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There is no way in you know where that Rodriguez will make the Hall of Fame some day.

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The Yankees Would Become a Little More Respectable

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Let's face it, this guy brings down the stock of the entire team.

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He'd Have More Time to Attend Events With Random Blonde Actress Types

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Girls love guys with money. A-Fraud has a ton of it.

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Baseball Would Be a Little Less Metro

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A-Rod can take his makeup and shove it.

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Someone Can Start Writing His First Tell-All Book For Him

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Once he finally retires, it's a guarantee that 'he' will write a tell-all book.

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He Won't Have to Memorize When to Take All of His Nutritional Supplements

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Maybe he can get one of those pill sorters when he retires. Maybe he already has one?

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Tony Bosch Could Get Some Sleep

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Thousands and thousands of texts between Bosch and Rodriguez have no doubt led to many sleepless nights for Bosch. Poor guy.

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He Can Spend More Time Counting His Money

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We all know counting money is A-Rod's favorite hobby. In retirement, he'll have nothing but time to do it.

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Bud Selig Would Cap His Tenure With a Big Win

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Rodriguez has used the term 'witch-hunt' when describing Selig and MLB's attempts to remove him from baseball. I like to think of it more as a 'douche-hunt'. Is this whole thing personal for Selig? Maybe. But I'll side with the Commish over A-Fraud any day of the week.



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