New York Giants Didn't Win Last Sunday Says DeAngelo Hall

By Christopher Gamble



The New York Giants have to be used to not getting any respect from their opponents by now.  Washington Redskins cornerback DeAngelo Hall is the latest in what is turning out to be a long line of opponents who claim the Giants didn’t beat them, but rather that they beat themselves.

Hall told the media that the Redskins “gave” the Giants the 77-yard game-winning touchdown pass from Eli Manning to Victor Cruz.

“I don’t feel like he made that play. I feel we gave him that play,” Hall said. “We just had one guy set his feet and one guy not do this. I could have thrown that ball and he would have scored. It wasn’t something where he was a rocket scientist and he figured something out. We just played that as bad as possible.”

Eli Manning, in response to Hall’s statements said, “I appreciate him giving it to me. Thank you … I didn’t think it took a rocket scientist to figure it out, either. We had a guy running open and we hit him.”

I just don’t know what the Giants would do if their opponents didn’t give them all of these wins.  Of course, Cruz and Manning don’t deserve any credit.  Nope, none at all.  Cruz didn’t go up to the line of scrimmage with several routes that he could run, you know, options.  He didn’t choose the right option after seeing the defense.

Of course, Eli Manning doesn’t deserve the slightest ounce of credit either for hitting a wide receiver in stride.  Nope.  As a matter of fact, I think I saw Hall take the ball from Eli’s hands, fly through the air, and hand the ball off to Cruz.  If you rewind it on your DVR I am sure you will see the same thing.

I understand what Hall is trying to say but when it mattered most the Giants were able to execute while the Redskins were not.  It happens sometimes.  Sure, the Redskins have every right to say they beat themselves but giving a little credit to the team that beat you is kind of necessary because they obviously played a better game than you did.

All of this just serves as tinder for the next matchup between these two division rivals.  Should make the next game on Dec. 3rd, very fun to watch.  Maybe this time the Redskins won’t beat themselves.  Then again, maybe this time the Giants will just beat the Redskins.

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