NFL Rumors: Could Super Bowl Be Played On A Different Day?

By Ben Grimaldi
Matthew Emmons-USA TODAY Sports

The Baltimore Ravens have barely had time to celebrate their Super Bowl win and already we’ve moved on to the NFL off-season. Actually, we’ve already moved on to Super Bowl XLVIII, which is still causing some commotion because of the weather.

Now there are rumors that if the weather is scheduled to be bad enough on Super Bowl Sunday, fans can get ready for Super Bowl Saturday! Wait, what? According to a report in Sports Business Daily, the NFL’s contingency plan in case the weather is state of emergency bad, is that the game will be played on Saturday instead of Sunday.

Let me be the first person to say what an incredibly awful idea that would be. Football is played on Sunday, mainly, and it’s tradition for the Super Bowl to be played on a Sunday and there is no reason to move it to a Saturday. Besides, isn’t playing football in inclement weather part of the game? That’s been the response anytime someone has brought up the fact that a Super Bowl shouldn’t be played in a cold weather city without a dome right? So why reschedule the game if bad weather is predicted during the week of the Super Bowl? Why not play it in the elements, just like every cold weather Super Bowl proponent has endorsed?

This is just another example of why no cold weather stadium should host a Super Bowl without a dome over it. All of a sudden the same people who are accepting the possibility of bad weather are now creating ways to avoid it, does anyone else see the hypocrisy there?

The bottom line is the Super Bowl should be played in a warm weather city, or any stadium that has a roof on it, period. It was a ridiculous idea to begin with and it’s only gotten worse since.

you can chat with or follow Ben on twitter @BenGrimaldi

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