Philadelphia Eagles: Riley Cooper Saga Blown Well Out of Proportion

Howard Smith – USA TODAY Sports

Believe it or not, athletes are human beings just like everyone else. Equally amazing, human beings occasionally say things they regret, things they don’t mean and things that should not be said, particularly when alcohol is involved. That being said, what is happening to Philadelphia Eagles WR Riley Cooper is completely ludicrous.

It’s a given that he messed up. Had this not been caught on camera, very little, if anything, would have happened. Unfortunately for Cooper, it was.

Whether we want to acknowledge it or not, people say things like this every day. In all likelihood, that will never change.

But for the entire sports media world to come out and berate Cooper about how epic of a mistake this is, along with proposing the idea that he may not play football for a while, is completely unwarranted. He made a very sincere apology, and while that does not excuse his actions, it’s a big step. Most of his teammates, including QB Michael Vick, have said publicly that they have forgiven him, so why can’t the media?

It may not be the most popular thing to say, but the monetary fine was enough.

When Kobe Bryant used a homophobic slur, he was fined $100,000 and the world forgot within a couple weeks. The same should have been the case for Cooper. At a time where Aaron Hernandez is on trial for murder and numerous MLB stars are facing possible suspensions, the biggest news is Cooper’s racial slur.

Again, that’s not to say he should be excused. He’s an athlete, someone that people look up to, and he has to understand that even though he’s not one of the premier stars in the NFL, he has a responsibility to his team and his fans. So while people do indeed do things like this on a daily basis, professional athletes who do it do deserve some sort of punishment.

But let’s be reasonable here. Cooper is now going to attend counseling for his problems. Is he attending counseling for being a racist, or for his now-alleged alcoholism? Either way, it’s an unnecessary step.

More than likely, it’s only a media ploy to try to get them off his back. And if that’s the case, then have at it — hopefully it will alleviate some of this ridiculousness.

The man messed up, and that is not up for debate. But come on — this is getting out of control.

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  • captaindandan

    I flat out asked the mayor of Philadelphia WHAT Coop needs to do to earn back the acceptance of the community? Clean toilets at city hall?? Pick up trash in the park??
    I even suggested Coop do what Michael Richards (Seinfeld’s co star) did: Get with Rev. Jessie Jackson and Rev.Al Sharpton and appear with them with the media officially accepting the apology in front of a nation-wide audience.
    Coop was D-R-U-N-K –he ‘slipped’ and used the N-word ONE g.d. time.
    Come on.
    When I googled Michael Richards it STILL says “Michael Richards racist” on the side bar! That’s ridiculous. He’s already asked for and got forgiveness.
    Why can’t the black community at large and especially the black players in the NFL and Eagles, forgive this bonehead move.??

    • Josh Sippie

      Well, what people fail to notice is that Vick already forgave him. Nobody seems to care about that, they’d rather ostracize Cooper.

      • captaindandan

        Amen, brother.
        What I don’t get is this: WHAT is R.Cooper supposed to “DO” to get back in the good graces of “city of Philadelphia, the Philadelphia Eagles and the NFL.” ?? WHAT what w-h-a-t –name it and R.Cooper will probably do it.
        Donate $$ to black charities? Donate $$ to Rev Jessie Jackson & Rev Al Sharpton’s organizations.
        NO spokesman for the black community has given Coop an empirical answer: You do this_____ and we’ll do ____.
        It’s much ado about nothing.

        Is there any man out there who hasn’t “slipped” ? working for a grocery store, one of the guys was sweating and let out, ‘Man, they are working me like a n-word today.” THAT was over heard by the supervisor who is black and there was no forgiveness- the guy who ‘slipped’ for whatever reason, he was canned.

        • Josh Sippie

          Just like the Johnny Manziel stories, it gives the media something to talk about, and what does the media love to do? Talk, then analyze what they’re talking about, then talk some more. I’m sure Cooper will be fine. All the speculation that he won’t play again for awhile is ridiculous. He’ll play.

      • captaindandan

        If the black players ostracize Coop for a ONE WORD ‘mistake’— who WHO are the real racists ???

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