NFL Concussion Settlement: Bad News For League, Judge Afraid $765 Million Not Enough

By Andrew Fisher
Roger Goodell
Debby Wong-USA TODAY Sports

The NFL is battling concussions on the field and battling in the courtroom over them away from the field. You’ll of course remember that the league came to an agreement in 2013 with former players suing over concussions. The NFL agreed to pay out $765 million to thousands of former players because of numerous concussion-related factors. It was a huge deal and it got done relatively quickly. Now, it appears that the settlement amount might not be enough.

This isn’t the most shocking of news, but just because the preliminary approval was denied, it doesn’t mean that the whole deal is out the window. The amount of the settlement might have to be increased, but there’s no guarantee of that. The judge is reportedly thinking long-term about the whole thing, and keeping in mind that recently retired players might need to draw from the settlement amount some day too.

Who knows how many players will eventually receive money from the settlement? It’s entirely possible that $765 million is too low of a number. No one knows for sure, though.

We’ll have to wait and see how this plays out, but for now, the NFL shouldn’t sweat too bad. This is certainly not what the league wants to hear, but we all know that it has more than enough money to survive, even if it has to pay out an increased settlement.


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