NFL Advertising via Audibles is a Disgusting Concept, But It's Right Around the Corner

By Andrew Fisher
Peyton Manning
Mark J. Rebilas-USA TODAY Sports

Even though he’s been yelling it all season long, America has just now caught on to Peyton Manning‘s call of ‘Omaha.’ It was the lead story on Sportscenter for about three days this week and it was a huge trend across the internet. City officials in Omaha even reached out to thank Manning for calling their city’s name. All of it has been over the top and ridiculous, and at the same time, not the least bit surprising.

Now, sports personality Darren Rovell has brought up the concept of the NFL and players cashing in on hand-picked audible calls. A hypothetical example of this would be a QB yelling out ‘Pepsi!’ in exchange for a nice big paycheck. Obviously, you’d think that the teams, the league and the networks will take their cuts as well. But what kind of money are we talking about? Rovell’s piece suggests that for this weekend’s conference championship games, that a calling of a brand or company name could earn a QB anywhere from $150,000 to $500,000. For the Super Bowl, it could garner players over a million dollars.

Although this is a concept that could catch on in the future, the company ‘Omaha Steaks’ is already mulling over whether or not to make an offer to Manning.

There would be a lot of details to sort out before this becomes a league-wide thing, but that would mainly be a matter of how much money each party is going to get. Heck, I’m surprised this hasn’t happened already. It’s shocking that players aren’t covered in NASCAR-like sponsor badges.

The NFL is all about advertising revenue. They’re going to entertain a concept like yelling ‘Omaha!’ in exchange for more of it. I don’t like it, because it puts advertising right into the heart of the game, which has remained pretty much sacred until now. However, I feel that it’s only a matter of time before the NFL really starts to capitalize on the concept of in-game advertising by the players.


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