15 Ways to Recognize a Non-Football Fan at a Super Bowl Party

15 Ways to Recognize a Non-Football Fan at a Super Bowl Party

super bowl party

The Super Bowl is football’s biggest game of the year. It has become so much more than just a game; it’s now a must-see event for everyone, not just football fans. With this in mind, there are sure to be some non-football fans watching the biggest sporting event of the year. Here are 15 ways to recognize a non-football fan at a Super Bowl party.

15. Constantly Socializing

plugging ears
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15. Constantly Socializing

plugging ears
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If a person is constantly talking, socializing with anyone willing to listen, and acting like this is just any other party, chances are the reason they are there is not to watch the Super Bowl.

14. Asking About the Rules

Yellow Flag
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14. Asking About the Rules

Yellow Flag
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Sure, there are some NFL rules that are difficult for even a regular fan to understand, but if someone is asking what those little yellow napkins are that keep appearing on the field…yeah, that’s not a football fan.

13. Heavily Invested in Commercials

tiger woods commercial
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13. Heavily Invested in Commercials

tiger woods commercial
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The commercials during the Super Bowl are by far the best and most entertaining of the year, but by no means should TV advertisements be prioritized before the game. You would never hear a real football fan talking about commercials while the game is back on and the announcers are talking.

12. Leave to Get More Food

chicken wings

12. Leave to Get More Food

chicken wings

First off, rule No. 1 of any Super Bowl party is make sure there is three times more food than you expect you will need.

Secondly, if any one willingly volunteers to leave to get more food for the group and miss any part of the game, it’s safe to question their football fandom.

11. Bringing Up Outdated Football News

Tim Tebow Patriots
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11. Bringing Up Outdated Football News

Tim Tebow Patriots
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If someone asks who Tim Tebow was the starter for this year, just turn your head and stare. Then, kick them out of the party.

10. Cheering at the Wrong Times

Seattle Seahawks Fans
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10. Cheering at the Wrong Times

Seattle Seahawks Fans
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I’m sure you’ve all been watching a game when out of nowhere a bunch of fans start cheering to the bemusement of everyone. Whether it’s because it’s obvious a penalty will bring a touchdown back or an interception will be called back due to an obvious offsides call, the non-football fan won’t be in tune with when it’s the right time to celebrate.

9. Commenting on Players' Looks

Ermenegildo Zegna Flagship Store Opening
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9. Commenting on Players' Looks

Ermenegildo Zegna Flagship Store Opening
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There are few things more infuriating to a die-hard NFL fan than when someone, most commonly a woman, comments on the players’ appearances and chooses a rooting interest based on looks alone.

8. Constantly On Their Phone

Girl Texting
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8. Constantly On Their Phone

Girl Texting
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This person might have come into the game expecting to stay interested until at least through the half-time show, but fails to make it through the end of the National Anthem. There should be no Instagram photo-taking or browsing during the NFL’s biggest game of the year.

7. Showed Up Late

USA TODAY Sports-Andrew Weber

7. Showed Up Late

USA TODAY Sports-Andrew Weber

If you’re going to show up late to the party and miss part of the Super Bowl, you better have a really good reason. Even then, it would be hard to find an excuse good enough to warrant any late arrival.

6. Volunteered to be Head Chef

master chef
USA TODAY Sports-John David Mercer

6. Volunteered to be Head Chef

master chef
USA TODAY Sports-John David Mercer

A vast assortment of delicious food is a must at any Super Bowl party. The job of head chef is too time consuming and whomever takes on the task will miss too much of the game for any real football fan to consider taking on the role.

5. Reciting Strange Facts out of Nowhere

super bowl XLIX
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5. Reciting Strange Facts out of Nowhere

super bowl XLIX
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One of the best ways to tell a diehard football fan from the casual fan is if a person is trying to hard to prove their knowledge of the sport. If it sounds like someone has been reciting little-known and unusual facts in front of the mirror, they are definitely not a weekly football fan.

4. Leave Early

seahawks fans leave early

4. Leave Early

seahawks fans leave early

I don’t care if the game is a blowout; you’re not going to have the chance to watch football for another six months!

3. Asking to Watch Puppy Bowl

Puppy Bowl
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3. Asking to Watch Puppy Bowl

Puppy Bowl
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Seriously…? A bunch of puppies running around doing nothing over the Super Bowl? How dare you even ask.

2. More Excited for Halftime Show

Katy Perry, Super Bowl XLIX
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2. More Excited for Halftime Show

Katy Perry, Super Bowl XLIX
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Sure, the halftime show is usually headlined by one of the biggest musical artists in the world, but it’s still just halftime of a football game. If you’re a real football fan, you can’t wait for the show to be over so we can get back to the action on the field.

1. Asking to Have Volume Lowered

2014 Summer TCA Tour - Day 7
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1. Asking to Have Volume Lowered

2014 Summer TCA Tour - Day 7
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If anyone asks for the volume to be lowered so it’s easier for him or her to socialize, you should raise it. You’re all there to watch the game, not discuss the new developments in your social life.

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