Crazy Uniforms: Carol City High School Wins

By Rich Currao

Crazy Uniform?

When anyone mentions the top crazy uniforms of all time in sports history, the usual insane suspects are always brought up.  We can scour the history of all major sports to find some top prize winners and some honorable mentions.

The uniform that generally will top every one’s list are those horrifying flying V’s that draped the shoulders of Vancouver Canuck hockey players in the 70’s and 80’s.   I sat frozen as a kid as I watched these train wrecks skate up and down the ice. Not only did the obnoxious “V” offend your senses by the fact that they were clad in a bright mustard yellow and a painful red brought tears to your eyes.  The Canucks are not the only standouts from the NHL.  Remember when the Philadelphia Flyers and Hartford Whalers wore hockey pants?  Or when the New York Islanders stole fisherman Gorton’s catch of the day?

If hockey pants were not enough, how about the Chicago Whitesox wearing shorts?  International Basketball had the tie-dyed Lithuanian team of 1992 courtesy of the Grateful Dead.  The NFL had the orange cream dreams, the Tampa Bay Buccaneers.

Now enter Carol City High School football.  The school that gave us the power hitting Danny Tartabull, the lyric spitting Flo Rida, and the pig skin catching Santana Moss has now taken the taco on what could very well be the most crazy uniforms in all of sports history.  The Chiefs of Carol City have unveiled a new uniform that is as much confusing as it is spectacular.

The Native America theme is centric on the design, but that is where the tradition ends.  The remainder is part Tetris and part Total Recall.  There is no doubt these crazy uniforms will turn some heads. They may even break some necks.

Have a long hard look, but not if you are prone to seizures.

Rich Currao covers the NHL, AHL, and NCAA Hockey for Follow him on Twitter and connect with him on Facebook.

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