WWE: Does Anybody Care About Sheamus?

Sheamus Returns

Image from Sheamus – WWE Universe Facebook

Sheamus returned after many months of recovering from a shoulder injury. Something tells me though that his return was kind of weak.

When Sheamus entered the Royal Rumble, the audience’s reaction was positive, mainly because they hadn’t seen him in a while. As time went by, however, the novelty of his return wore off and fans were quick to turn on him already.

When the Royal Rumble was drawing to its conclusion, fans were very disappointed that Daniel Bryan had been excluded. After CM Punk got eliminated too, the crowd cheered for Roman Reigns to win, as he was left along with Batista and Sheamus himself.

When Reigns was knocked down, the fight between Sheamus and Batista didn’t go over with the crowd so lightly. Both Batista and Sheamus were met with heavy boos. The boos became “No!” chants then Sheamus called for his “Brogue Kick” finisher.

By the time Sheamus got eliminated, fans were fully behind Reigns winning the whole thing. As we know what happened, Batista evetually became the Royal Rumble winner.

I don’t understand why the WWE continues to push Sheamus as a babyaface. The guy is very bland and boring and most fans don’t like him at all. The main reason fans resent his push is because he’s friends with Triple H; he’s always been favored by him and did not work hard like Bryan, Punk or Dolph Ziggler, just to name a few.

As of time of writing, Sheamus is still a babyface like Batista. I feel this is a stupid idea, because fans are going to boo both of them from here on out. It would make sense if both guys are heels, because it’s unlikely that fans will want to cheer for either man anytime soon.

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