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Terminally Ill Basketball Player Trying To Fulfill College Dream Before Passing

There are stories from the lighter side of sports, and then there are stories from the heavy side of sports. When it comes to the story of Lauren Hill, it doesn’t get much more heavy, heartbreaking and inspiring.

Hill is a 19-year old basketball player who’s terminally ill with an inoperable tumor at the base of her brain stem. Doctors have not given her much longer to live, so her parents and college coach are stepping up to the plate to help her fulfill a dream.

Dan Benjamin, the head coach at Mount St. Joseph University, made a successful request to have his team’s season opener moved up to November 2nd. This will hopefully allow Hill to take the court and accomplish her goal of playing college hoops before her passing.

“I’ve been coaching in the Cincinnati area for 25 years and part of the reason you coach is to make an impact on people’s lives. In this case, a small change could make a big difference, so it was definitely an easy decision to try to help her make her dream come true,” said Benjamin.

This is a heart-wrenching story to say the least. Thanks to Yahoo for sharing.

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