15 Athletes With Notoriously Bad Hygiene

By Jacob Kornhauser

Keeping up your hygiene is an important part of your life, but some professional athletes completely forget it in the midst of competition. These 15 athletes are the worst offenders; all of them have notably bad hygienic habits.

15 Athletes With Notoriously Bad Hygiene
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15. Marc Gasol

Marc Gasol Credit: Getty Images
Like a lot of NBA big men, Marc Gasol is sort of awkward when it comes to hand-eye coordination. Mix that with his general slob look and it appears he doesn't have the greatest hygiene in the world. Perhaps it's just appearance, but it seems like Gasol might save water by only showering every other day.

15. Marc Gasol

Like a lot of NBA big men, Marc Gasol is sort of awkward when it comes to hand-eye coordination. Mix that with his general slob look and it appears he doesn't have the greatest hygiene in the world. Perhaps it's just appearance, but it seems like Gasol might save water by only showering every other day.

14. Albert Haynesworth

Albert Haynesworth Credit: Kim Klement, USA Today Sports
Haynesworth really let himself get out of shape and lose out on what could have been a Hall of Fame NFL career. This, of course, was largely caused by his lack of health and hygiene. If only he laid off seconds at the dinner table every once in a while, perhaps he would still be dominating offensive linemen every Sunday.

14. Albert Haynesworth

Haynesworth really let himself get out of shape and lose out on what could have been a Hall of Fame NFL career. This, of course, was largely caused by his lack of health and hygiene. If only he laid off seconds at the dinner table every once in a while, perhaps he would still be dominating offensive linemen every Sunday.

13. Mo Vaughn

Mo Vaughn Credit: Getty Images
Mo Vaughn was another very large human being, but luckily for him, he didn't let it ruin his career like Haynesworth did. He continued to hit home runs throughout his career, but that didn't keep people from noticing he was a bit of a slob. Really, it's surprising we never saw any mustard stains on his jersey.

13. Mo Vaughn

Mo Vaughn was another very large human being, but luckily for him, he didn't let it ruin his career like Haynesworth did. He continued to hit home runs throughout his career, but that didn't keep people from noticing he was a bit of a slob. Really, it's surprising we never saw any mustard stains on his jersey.

12. JaMarcus Russell

JaMarcus Russell Credit: Getty Images
JaMarcus Russell is of the Haynesworth mold in the way he let his poor health and hygiene derail his promising NFL career. If Russell could have stayed under 300 pounds, he might have been able to make it in the pros, but he never dedicated himself to staying in shape. Ultimately, that cost him millions of dollars.

12. JaMarcus Russell

JaMarcus Russell is of the Haynesworth mold in the way he let his poor health and hygiene derail his promising NFL career. If Russell could have stayed under 300 pounds, he might have been able to make it in the pros, but he never dedicated himself to staying in shape. Ultimately, that cost him millions of dollars.

11. Shaquille O'Neal

Shaquille O'Neal Credit: Bob Donnan - USA Today Sports
Since joining the TV business, Shaq has cleaned up his act a bit, but he was a total slob for most of his illustrious NBA career. That didn't stop him from winning multiple NBA Finals, but it did make people a little weary of his hygienic habits. He doesn't care, though; he will laugh all the way to the bank.

11. Shaquille O'Neal

Since joining the TV business, Shaq has cleaned up his act a bit, but he was a total slob for most of his illustrious NBA career. That didn't stop him from winning multiple NBA Finals, but it did make people a little weary of his hygienic habits. He doesn't care, though; he will laugh all the way to the bank.

10. Donovan McNabb

Donovan McNabb Credit: Getty Images
McNabb may have been one of the best passers of his generation, but he was an absolute slob during his playing career. Numerous times, he let himself get out of shape and never quite seemed like he was washed up very well. Maybe it was just his rugged playing style, but it sure came off as bad hygiene.

10. Donovan McNabb

McNabb may have been one of the best passers of his generation, but he was an absolute slob during his playing career. Numerous times, he let himself get out of shape and never quite seemed like he was washed up very well. Maybe it was just his rugged playing style, but it sure came off as bad hygiene.

9. Bill Walton

Bill Walton Credit: Getty Images
Walton still gets to annoy us on TV every now and then, but at least we're not there in person to witness one of the biggest slobs the game of basketball has ever seen. The lanky center always had drenched hair and was sweating profusely, yet he never seemed to wash any of the grossness off after games. Now that's disgusting.

9. Bill Walton

Walton still gets to annoy us on TV every now and then, but at least we're not there in person to witness one of the biggest slobs the game of basketball has ever seen. The lanky center always had drenched hair and was sweating profusely, yet he never seemed to wash any of the grossness off after games. Now that's disgusting.

8. David Wells

David Wells Credit: Twitter
Wells famously threw a perfect game while allegedly hungover, which just goes to show you the kind of slob that he was. Known for being a pretty heavy drinker and someone who might not exercise as much as the next guy, Wells gained a reputation as a slob. That's something he probably won't ever be able to shed, but hey, he did throw a perfect game.

8. David Wells

Wells famously threw a perfect game while allegedly hungover, which just goes to show you the kind of slob that he was. Known for being a pretty heavy drinker and someone who might not exercise as much as the next guy, Wells gained a reputation as a slob. That's something he probably won't ever be able to shed, but hey, he did throw a perfect game.

7. John Daly

John Daly Credit: Getty Images
Anyone who smokes while competing in a professional golf tournament clearly has some hygiene issues. That's John Daly for you, because he simply doesn't know proper etiquette in his own sport. On the tour, he's known as a heavy drinker and general party animal, and he doesn't clean up well at all.

7. John Daly

Anyone who smokes while competing in a professional golf tournament clearly has some hygiene issues. That's John Daly for you, because he simply doesn't know proper etiquette in his own sport. On the tour, he's known as a heavy drinker and general party animal, and he doesn't clean up well at all.

6. Tony Stewart

Tony Stewart Credit: Andrew Weber, USA Today Sports
It's a wonder how Tony Stewart doesn't crash in more races seeing as he's probably trying to eat fast food while racing competitively. Obviously, that's not what he's actually doing, but it doesn't seem that far fetched. Stewart is a notorious slob who is seemingly never clean shaven and is just generally not pleasant looking. Once he retires in 2016, he will be mostly out of the spotlight and can practice bad hygiene without as much backlash.

6. Tony Stewart

It's a wonder how Tony Stewart doesn't crash in more races seeing as he's probably trying to eat fast food while racing competitively. Obviously, that's not what he's actually doing, but it doesn't seem that far fetched. Stewart is a notorious slob who is seemingly never clean shaven and is just generally not pleasant looking. Once he retires in 2016, he will be mostly out of the spotlight and can practice bad hygiene without as much backlash.

5. Charles Barkley

Charles Barkley Credit: Getty Images
Barkley ballooned into a noticeably bigger person toward the end of his playing career which further extended his reputation as a slob in the game of basketball. Like Shaq, he has become a little cleaner since going on TV, but he's still not a very pleasant person to look at hygiene wise. It still seems like he's a bit of a slob, even on TV.

5. Charles Barkley

Barkley ballooned into a noticeably bigger person toward the end of his playing career which further extended his reputation as a slob in the game of basketball. Like Shaq, he has become a little cleaner since going on TV, but he's still not a very pleasant person to look at hygiene wise. It still seems like he's a bit of a slob, even on TV.

4. John Kruk

John Kruk Credit: Getty Images
Kruk was one of the largest (horizontally, not vertically) players of his day and that made him look like the biggest slob in the world. You always expected him to use a real donut to swing his bat in the on-deck circle and eat it before his at-bat. All joking aside, he appeared to never care what he looked like, which good or bad, made him come off as a slob for the majority of his playing career.

4. John Kruk

Kruk was one of the largest (horizontally, not vertically) players of his day and that made him look like the biggest slob in the world. You always expected him to use a real donut to swing his bat in the on-deck circle and eat it before his at-bat. All joking aside, he appeared to never care what he looked like, which good or bad, made him come off as a slob for the majority of his playing career.

3. Babe Ruth

Babe Ruth Credit: Getty Images
They say the Babe did it on hot dogs and beer. Sure, he did, which made him look like a slob. On top of that, he slept with any woman he could and got countless STDs, which is one of the worst hygiene/health mistakes you can make. He may have been MLB's greatest player ever, but he was also the league's worst in terms of hygiene.

3. Babe Ruth

They say the Babe did it on hot dogs and beer. Sure, he did, which made him look like a slob. On top of that, he slept with any woman he could and got countless STDs, which is one of the worst hygiene/health mistakes you can make. He may have been MLB's greatest player ever, but he was also the league's worst in terms of hygiene.

2. Sebastian Janikowski

Sebastian Janikowski Credit: Getty Images
Whenever Janikowski lines up for a field goal now, he looks so nonchalant and lazy that he should just be carrying his lunch out to the field with him to kick the ball. Now getting up there in age, Janikowski doesn't seem to care one bit what other people think of him. That's fine, but in the process, he makes himself look like a slob.

2. Sebastian Janikowski

Whenever Janikowski lines up for a field goal now, he looks so nonchalant and lazy that he should just be carrying his lunch out to the field with him to kick the ball. Now getting up there in age, Janikowski doesn't seem to care one bit what other people think of him. That's fine, but in the process, he makes himself look like a slob.

1. Adam Morrison

Adam Morrison Credit: Getty Images
During his playing days at Gonzaga, Adam Morrison may have been the hardest college hoops star to look at... ever. He constantly had gross facial hair growing every which way, his hair was greasier than a pizza and he truly never looked clean. Maybe the reason he was so good in college is that nobody wanted to cover him based on his incredibly poor hygiene.

1. Adam Morrison

During his playing days at Gonzaga, Adam Morrison may have been the hardest college hoops star to look at... ever. He constantly had gross facial hair growing every which way, his hair was greasier than a pizza and he truly never looked clean. Maybe the reason he was so good in college is that nobody wanted to cover him based on his incredibly poor hygiene.

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