Martin Prado as Reliable as They come for Arizona Diamondbacks

By David Miller
Martin Prado Diamondbacks
Matt Kartozian-USA TODAY Sports

The Arizona Diamondbacks new they were getting a good person and a good player when they drew Martin Prado from the Atlanta Braves in the Justin Upton deal. Just like with the Braves fans and personnel, it will take watching Prado in action on a daily basis for the Diamondbacks nation to fully appreciate the kind of player they have. He is above all things, reliable.

Prado might as well have his name on the depth chart at every position because there isn’t one on the field that he can’t play. More than that, there isn’t one that he can’t play well. He might not drive in a hundred runs or pound thirty homers but what he does is so much more important. Prado is always reliable in all things he does. If he is tasked to play third base every day then he will do his best. If he is told that they need him to play a different position ever day then he’ll do his best at that as well.

This spring he is batting a solid .316 with few strikeouts, just turning in a good day’s work every day he puts on a glove.  That attitude and work ethic is infectious to those around him as he leads by example. Not that he won’t talk to the guys if he feels the need, he could. It’s just that Prado is so good at doing the right thing every game that he doesn’t have to give speeches. His play speaks louder than anything that anyone on the rest of the team could say in an hour long speech.

David Miller is a Senior Writer for Follow him on Twitter @davidmillerrant, “Like” him on Facebook or add him to your network on Google+.

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