Golden State Warriors' Andre Iguodala Once An X-Factor, Now The 2015 NBA Finals MVP

By Jerry Landry
Andre Iguodala 2015 NBA Finals MVP

The NBA Finals MVP is one award that’s all about context. And that’s important, because Andre Iguodala didn’t start a single playoff game until the ultimate playoff series.

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The Cleveland Cavaliers long neglected Iguodala and for that, Iguodala will be long remembered. You can still call Iguodala a role player, but now you must understand that no player in NBA history has played their part so well. In small lineups, Iguodala played large. From the corner, Iguodala rained on LeBron James‘ parade. When Klay Thompson wasn’t at his best, Iguodala had no choice but to elevate his output.

Iguodala has now traded an old label for a new one, and 2015 NBA Finals MVP really has a ring to it.

Jerry Landry is a writer for Follow Jerry on Twitter at @Jerry2Landry, “Like” him on Facebook or add him on Google.

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