Should Tim Tebow Return to College Football as a Coach?

With Tim Tebow clearing waivers today and becoming an official NFL free agent, it’s really no well-kept secret that the embattled quarterback doesn’t have many league executives tirelessly ringing his cell phone to come play for their respective organization.

To call Tebow’s options ‘limited’ at the moment would considerably be an understatement. Probably the best offer Tebow has had so far is to become a QB coach for the Lingerie Football League which — let’s be serious — isn’t going to happen.

So, with the distinct possibility that his professional career may very well be finished, what really is the best move for Tebow?

My answer: go back to the place that made you famous to begin with, Tim.

Indeed, the best move for the 25-year-old would be to go back to his college roots and try his hand at the coaching ranks. Many people will point out that Tebow just simply can’t play the quarterback position at the highest level possible.

This isn’t about that debate. But, for arguments sake, let’s say that Tebow actually doesn’t have the skills to make it in the league as a QB. If you’re going to use this opinion, then the old saying goes “those who can’t do, teach.”

While Tebow might not be able to get it done on the field, the fact remains that you can’t make it as far in the game of football as he has without having a mind for it. He may not be able to execute the X’s and O’s on the field, but he could relate them to those who can.

As far as the motivational aspect of coaching impressionable youths in their late-teens and early 20′s — well, come on, do we really need to question whether Tebow is a motivational human being or not? This would probably be the least of the worries about his transition to coaching.

Finding his first coaching home shouldn’t be a tall order neither. One phone call to Columbus, Ohio should be all it takes to do that trick.

Spending his entire college career at the University of Florida with current Ohio State Buckeyes head coach Urban Meyer, the two formed a bond that was almost father and son-like. Tebow spent a lot of time with the Meyer’s and they did pretty much treat him as their own.

I would certainly find it hard to believe that Meyer would have any issue bringing Tebow up to Columbus to be with him once again — essentially grooming him to be as great as the veteran coach is one day.

When you look at the overall picture, a return to the college ranks — where he is considered one of the best of all-time to ever play at that level — may be the best option right now. Again, at only 25-years-old, this may be the perfect time to make the transition.

Why should he stay in a place he is somewhat vilified, rather than return to a place he is immortalized?


Jack is a College Football Contributor for Rant Sports. Follow Jack on Twitter @FSUYankee14

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