NFL Detroit Lions

NFL Tells Detroit Lions That Ndamukong Suh Was Held On Key Fourth Quarter Play

Ndamukong Suh

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Even though the Detroit Lions most likely do not want to hear it, at least the NFL informing them the referees missed an obvious hold on defensive tackle Ndamukong Suh gives them a little closure.

We are not even talking about the obvious holding call on Dallas Cowboys linebacker Anthony Hitchens, who clearly interfered with Lions tight end Brandon Pettigrew’s ability to catch a pass on a key third-and-one. That flag was picked up, which instantly made it by far the biggest storyline coming out of the game.

No, this is a completely different screw up by the referees.

The NFL is telling the Lions that Suh was held when the Cowboys converted a fourth-and-six late in the fourth quarter. If the penalty were called correctly, Dallas would have been forced to punt after facing a fourth-and -16. That means the Lions would have got the ball back with the lead and could have run out the clock with a few first downs.

To add more spice to the hotly debated topic, Detroit quarterback Matthew Stafford wore a microphone for the Wild Card matchup. Needless to say, his displeased voice rang similar to what football fans around the world felt.

“That’s unbelievable … and you know it,” Stafford said. “You know it is, though. … How does that get overturned? … Congratulations. It’s unbelievable.”

“Can we explain that or no?” Stafford continued. “Just flat-out overturning a pass interference call?”

Lions fans or not, football fans are intelligent enough to know when a team gets screwed. Yes, Detroit had plenty of opportunities to expand their lead and regain their lead towards the end of the contest. Still, there is no denying a few shady calls went against them down the stretch. Calls that clearly changed the outcome of the game.

Michael Terrill is a Senior Writer for Rant Sports. Follow him on Twitter @MichaelTerrill, “Like” him on Facebook or add him to your network on Google.

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