NFL New York Jets

Adult Film Star Mia Khalifa Makes Brazen Comment on New York Jets, ISIS



Adult film star Mia Khalifa has become somewhat famous for more than just her on-camera talent. Not only is she a huge Florida State fan, but she also has a well-documented hatred for the New York Jets. So when one fan on Twitter asked her if she would sign his Jets jersey, you can only imagine what her response was.

Well, it was certainly a little over the top.

Now Khalifa has always been a bit abrasive when it comes to touchy subjects, but this one clearly takes the cake. Especially considering the currently sensitivity surrounding the ISIS situation, it almost comes off as insensitive. Based on Khalifa’s previous comments and interactions with fans, it’s safe to assume it wasn’t meant as anything more than hyperbole, but we’re sure some people took offense to it.

Get over it. She makes adult films for a living.

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