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Philadelphia Eagles Are Crazy If They Want Nick Foles Back

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The big problem the Philadelphia Eagles have to figure out this offseason is what to do with their quarterbacks, specifically Sam Bradford. Whether it’s an extension, franchise tag, tag and trade or to let him walk, there are a couple ways the Eagles can answer that question.

Or if you believe Adam Schefter, the answer might be Nick Foles.

No, you didn’t read that wrong. Apparently Schefter has it that the Eagles aren’t going to franchise tag Bradford, and there may be a possibility that Foles is back on the Eagles’ radar. I am literally praying to the powers that be that this is just Schefter fishing for headlines.

Eagles fans remember Foles well — he was the Andy Reid holdover that had himself a historic 10-game stretch that made people think he could be a franchise quarterback. But then he flaked out and got sent off to St. Louis in a trade that, ironically enough, brought Bradford to Philadelphia.

I know he put up 27 touchdowns to only two interceptions, but remember that seven of those touchdowns came in one game, meaning over the other nine he went for 20 touchdowns and two interceptions. That’s still an impressive ratio — he didn’t turn the ball over — but averaging two touchdowns a game isn’t mind-blowingly elite, certainly not anything to get excited about. After all, it’s not like the Eagles have a defense yet that can consistently hold a score down. They need a passer who can actually put up stats.

I also know St. Louis isn’t exactly fertile ground for a quarterback to thrive. But to be as horrible as Foles was this season, to the point where he was benched for Case Keenum (let me say that again … Case Keenum), that’s not just bad. That’s terribly, wickedly bad. You would think he’d show something, anything to maybe justify giving him the rest of the year. But he kept getting worse and worse, and when he really needed to step up he just kept slipping.

Even if he’s being seen as a backup, what’s the point?  What’s the difference between Foles and a guy like, say, Chase Daniel? Or Chad Henne for that matter? Foles is no better or no worse than anyone who will hit the open market. Free agency in 2016 isn’t going to be chock-full of good quarterback options. The Eagles may as well spend a late-round pick on a rookie and have him develop. Mark Sanchez is already under contract and can be the veteran backup to Bradford or a draft pick. Might as well groom a backup for a year while he’s around.

Foles just doesn’t do anything. He doesn’t upgrade the starting position over Bradford, in all honesty he’s a negligible upgrade to Sanchez, and for a third quarterback a late-rounder would be just as valuable since they’d both be learning a new offense. Foles doesn’t offer anything to the future of the franchise; he’s a small sliver of the past. I know Jeff Lurie wants to recreate the good old days, but this isn’t a time when it’s a good idea.

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