Welcome Back to Bull Riding Rant Sports

Welcome back to Bull Riding Rant Sports. I launched the website in August of 2010. I was given an opportunity to write for a bull riding organization, and I jumped at the opportunity. After about six months, I’ve decided to relaunch Bull Riding Rant Sports. My passion is the PBR and ABBI, and that’s what I’m going to cover. You can expect the usual event previews and reviews, power rankings, and various opinion articles. As always, please provide feedback if there is anything you would like to say. Be sure to visit the Bull Riding Rant Sports Facebook page and like it, and you can also become a follower on Twitter. Enjoy the ride because it’s going to be a great one!

Welcome to Rant Sports Bull Riding

Welcome to Rant Sports Bull Riding, a new addition to Rant Sports. This part of the website was created by me, Cody Thrasher. I seriously started watching bull riding in early-2004, and I’ve been a huge fan of the PBR ever since. In 2009, my wife and I partnered with Hebert Bucking Bulls on some bulls and cows. Hopefully I’ll be a part of the industry for years to come as a writer and stock contractor.

My goal is to provide entertaining analysis for the PBR and ABBI, whether it be power rankings, interviews, event previews, or various opinion articles. My goal is to grow the site into one of the best out there, and while I have my own personal ideas and goals, I’m always open to suggestions. If you ever have any ideas or want to help out along the way, please email me at: [email protected]. Thanks again for visiting, and I look forward to your future visits.