Video: Bo Jackson Discusses Tecmo Bowl Dominance

By Riley Schmitt

If you never played Tecmo Bowl on Nintendo, I feel really bad for you.  It was one of the greatest games in video game history.  Children everywhere wasted hours upon hours of time playing the game.  One of the biggest debates was around who was able to be the Los Angeles Raiders.  When you controlled Bo Jackson, you controlled the game.

Jackson dropped by SportsCenter Thursday morning and Tecmo Bowl was brought up.  Although Jackson has never played the game, he has heard from numerous people that have.  They always talk to him about his dominance on the game.  His real life accomplishments were an after thought.

I love playing Tecmo Bowl.  It’s still one of my favorite video games of all time.  It was so simple, yet so fun.  I haven’t met anyone who has never picked up the controller and hated the game.

Personally, I never liked using Bo.  It felt way too easy.  I loved controlling Chicago and their dominant defense.  It was certainly useful when someone else would pick Bo.  Not everyone felt the same way that I did about not using the most dominant player in the game.

Thanks to TMZ for the video.

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