Houston Texans' Andre Johnson Spends $19K on Toys in Shopping Spree

By Renae Juska
USA Today

If this had been last week, Houston Texans wide receiver Andre Johnson would have made it onto Santa’s Nice List.

Athletes donate a lot of money to charities but Johnson donates at a different level during the Christmas season. He directly bought $19,000 worth of toys at Toys R’ us to donate to at-risk children in the Houston area.

The Andre Johnson Charitable Foundation funded the shopping spree. He didn’t just buy the kids toys and give them to him, rather they got to choose their own with a little fun catch.

Child Protective Services found 12 at-risk youth for Johnson’s shopping spree. They ranged from ages 8-16 and all of them had experienced parental abuse to the point where they now live with extended family.

Johnson allowed them 80 seconds to fill up as many carts of toys as possible. Of course, the kids included presents for their family members as well.

That’s right, 12 kids filled up enough carts of toy in 80 seconds to tally up $19,000, and the receipt was taller than Johnson himself.

Johnson has turned the Toys R’ Us spree into an annual event because he said that it is one that he enjoys the most. The kids are happy and get to choose whatever they want for Christmas.

But Johnson didn’t stop his charitable gesture there; he also joined in with the Houston Police Department’s Blue Santa program to surprise 800 kids at Bastian Elementary School with presents.

Throughout the year, the Jonson foundation hosts several events in Houston, as well as Johnson’s hometown of Miami.

This is a great example of a role model for children. He clearly understands the hardships that at-risk youths go through and is doing his best to help them achieve their goals in life.

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