How bad has it been for Tommy Hanson?

September 23, 2010 by Chad Mcginnis  
Filed under Atlanta Braves, Blog Network

"Nobody knows the trouble I seen" Tommy Hanson has made 32 starts this season. He is 10-11 with a 3.51 ERA. Look at these statistics that tell you how bad the Braves have been in supporting Tommy Hanson: In the National League, there are 14 pitchers who have a worse ERA than Tommy Hanson and have more wins. Out of the 5 pitchers that are within the same ERA range as Tommy Hanson, the average wins of those pitchers is 13.6 wins. The Atlanta Braves have been shut out 4 times when Tommy has pitched this year. The Braves have scored 1 run or fewer when Tommy pitched 8 times. While Hanson has been in the game, the Braves have scored zero runs in support 9 times and 1 run in support 15 times. For the year, the Braves are averaging 2.31 runs per game in support of Tommy Hanson while he has...

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