NBA Los Angeles Clippers

Los Angeles Clippers Are In Serious Need of A Makeover

Kirby Lee-USA TODAY Sports

Kirby Lee-USA TODAY Sports

The Los Angeles Clippers have recently entered the VIP area of the NBA. It’s safe to say that the Clippers are among the NBA’s elite teams, and not just in value. When you become one of the top teams, you have to look like one of the top teams, and unfortunately, the Clippers’ uniforms and logos make them look like a cool and hip, candy cane company or something. Los Angeles has always been a city fascinated with good looks, and it’s time the Clippers got a makeover. Their look is old and boring, not like one of the top franchises in the Association.

Since moving to Los Angeles in 1984, the Clippers have never really had one of the more influential uniforms (or anything). What exactly is a Clipper, anyway? Call me radical, but isn’t it time to change the name, the colors, logos, etc. to something more fitting to the wonderful and vibrant city of Los Angeles? Especially in the wake of the Donald Sterling (family) madness.

New owner Steve Ballmer needs to put his stamp on the team as a whole. His excitement is great, but it’s not enough. Since he’s one of the richest men in the world, he should go big with this makeover. I have a few suggestions:

1. The Los Angeles Money — Colors: Money Green, Red and White

2. The Los Angeles Drive — Colors: Black, Smog Gray and Neon Green

3. The LA Dogs — Black, Beige and White

Everyone in LA knows that money is what impresses the masses out here. Also, in the city of Angels one has to have extreme drive and/or drive to get anywhere in this metropolis, and dogs are by far the most common animal in the city (whether you’re talking about the ones on leashes or in boxer briefs). Any of the names suggested could work and would be more fitting to the nature of the city as opposed to a Clipper.

Since Mr. Ballmer represents technology, the new uniforms and logos must also be futuristic and technologically advanced, something we’ve never seen before. This new age makeover would boost jersey sales and add even more media coverage to the Clippers.

If I owned the team, I’d make these changes by next season, if the league would let me. We’ve seen a couple of franchises change their name and look within the past two years (Charlotte and New Orleans), and the Clippers need to follow suit; it’s not like there’ll be a legacy of success lost.

As they say in Los Angeles, “The Clippers need to get a lil’ work done.”

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