Boston Celtics Paul Pierce Suffers Through Miserable Loss To Pistons

December 29, 2010 by Rob Nelson  
Filed under MLB

I begin with there was nothing good about this game. The Celtics looked awful on the second game of a back to back. The effort was lacking and the execution was worse. The offense was terrible as the team turned the ball over more times than they had assists. Twenty one turnovers is a joke, [...]

Boston Celtics Marquis Daniels Sparks 95-83 Win Over Indiana

December 28, 2010 by Rob Nelson  
Filed under MLB

                The Orlando game was a disaster and fresh in the Celtics’ minds. Doc Rivers had been out coached by Stan Van Gundy by not going and attacking matchups and going with his set rotations. This game Doc made up for it in the second half after Nate Robinson suffered a head butt that required [...]

Boston Celtics Ray Allen Shoots Down Sixers And Refs: The Win Streak Survives To 14 Games

December 23, 2010 by Rob Nelson  
Filed under MLB

  The Boston Celtics were in serious jeopardy of losing their vaunted win streak to the scrappy, yet lowly 76ers. Paul Pierce and Kevin Garnett struggled offensively early on. Ray Allen did not shoot lights out right off the bat either. Nate Robinson was getting abused by Jrue Holiday. The worst part was the refs [...]

Boston Celtics Rasheed Wallace Showing Signs He Might Not Be Done

December 22, 2010 by Rob Nelson  
Filed under MLB

                  I begin this with the fact I know the Celtics are loaded at the power forward and center position. Once healthy the team will have Kendrick Perkins, Jermaine O’Neal, Shaq, Kevin Garnett, Glen Davis, and an injured Semih Erden to man the center and power forward slots. I also know that Rasheed Wallace [...]

Boston Celtics Ray Allen Shocked At Orlando Trades: Why Moves Will Not Help Orlando Beat Boston

December 19, 2010 by Rob Nelson  
Filed under MLB

“I haven’t really followed them, are they losing, or are they doing bad?” Allen asked reporters. Informed that they had lost five of their last six, he still seemed surprised by the deals. “That seems unfair. A lot of guys were sick, that probably threw off their rhythm. I heard about [the possible trades] this [...]

Boston Celtics Kevin Garnett Owns The Paint In 102-90 Win To Extend Streak To 12 Games

December 17, 2010 by Rob Nelson  
Filed under MLB

  The Boston Celtics played their first game last night without star point guard Rajon Rondo who is out two weeks with a sprained ankle. In their first test the Celtics passed with flying colors as Boston beat up on Atlanta with a 102-90 win. It did take a couple quarters for the Celtics to [...]

Boston Celtics Paul Pierce Carries Boston To 118 to 116 Win

December 15, 2010 by Rob Nelson  
Filed under MLB

The Boston Celtics went into New York with many issues. For starters Shaq was out for this game and that meant the team would be missing a large part of their defense. The Celtics defense was not that great tonight. No one could guard Stoudemire. Pierce had a hard time stopping Gallinari. Rondo could not [...]

Miami Heat Are Streaking: The Team Still Has Serious Issues

December 15, 2010 by Rob Nelson  
Filed under MLB

I like reading other views on NBA teams. It gives great insight into the delusions of other NBA writers.  Tom Haberstroh wrote a piece about the Miami Heat titled “Busting three early Heat myths” on ESPN Miami. For starters the story could not be more wrong. Every single point is easily refuted with fact. The [...]

Boston Celtics Doc Rivers Has Best Defense To Stop Transition Offense: He Will Need It Against New York

December 14, 2010 by Rob Nelson  
Filed under MLB

Boston Celtics coach Doc Rivers has a large challenge set before him. The New York Knicks are one of the best transition teams on offense in the NBA. Coach Mike D’Antoni has his team running and gunning led by Amare Stoudemire and Raymond Felton. The Knicks have run teams into the ground at times and [...]

Boston Celtics Kevin Garnett Is The Key To Beating The Red Hot Knicks

December 13, 2010 by Rob Nelson  
Filed under MLB

The New York Knicks are playing unbelievable. The team is playing great transition basketball on both ends of the floor. Yes, the Knicks are even playing transition defense. Raymond Felton and Amare Stoudemire are thriving in Coach Mike D’Antoni’s system.  The team has won eight games in a row. If not for the Boston Celtics [...]

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