What Do the A’s Do With Chris Carter?

December 29, 2010 by Joshua Russell  
Filed under Uncategorized

I read a real brief statement about this and it got me thinking about Chris Carter. What a weird situation this guy has been in. He is from Redwood City, California. He was traded from the Chicago White Sox to the Diamondbacks for Carlos Quentin, then two weeks later was traded to the A’s and [...]

A’s Offense Gets Another Boost

December 16, 2010 by Joshua Russell  
Filed under Uncategorized

Well, one thing we know for sure is that Billy Beane has not checked out yet for the holidays. Quite the opposite in fact. So far this offseason, the Oakland A’s have traded for David DeJesus, signed DH Hideki Matsui, and pitchers Rich Harden and Brandon McCarthy. Just to add icing on the cake, today [...]