Wilken gets $$$ backing from Ricketts to boost Chicago Cubs scouting

December 13, 2010 by George Castle  
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  Tom Ricketts has had a tough rookie year as Cubs owner. Almost everything he’s touched or vouched for has turned to stone. He can’t even win unanimously for a noble venture like a eulogy for Ron Santo at the latter’s memorial service. Someone who does business with Ricketts’ organization wondered why the team chairman spoke [...]

Chicago Cubs Right Field Outlook for 2011

November 3, 2010 by Brett Rosin  
Filed under Uncategorized

Right Field for the Cubs hasn’t exactly been filled since the departure of Sammy Sosa. Failed experiments like Jaque Jones, Jeremy Burnitz, and Milton Bradley have come and gone. Kosuke Fukudome hasn’t been the guy anyone anticipated since being signed out of Japan for mega dollars, but the good thing is Tyler Colvin emerged as [...]