by Riley Schmitt

The Tampa Bay Rays are up to their old tricks as they look to make the playoffs once again.  You might think that they are out of the race, but then they storm right back into it.  If they do make a deep run in the playoffs, I think this groundskeeper needs his own feature.  If you can pull off the “Carlton Dance” like this, you need a trophy of some sort.

For those of you who do not know what the Carlton is, I feel really bad for you.  It became famous thanks to the Fresh Prince of Bel-Air.  I miss that show.  Anyways, the dance was made popular by Alfonso Ribeiro, who played the cousin of Will Smith in the show.

If anything good happened to Carlton, you would see this dance get broken out.  That is what makes it amazing.  This dance is from the 1990s, yet everyone can still recognize it and people are able to figure out to pull the dance off.  I feel like that if I tried to do the dance, I would end up in the hospital.

I think the Tampa Bay Rays need to give this guy a promotion or something.  He will certainly draw a crowd if he is allowed to do this dance on a national stage.  That would be a great way to fill the ballpark.  Fans would come in to see if they could out Carlton this guy.  It would be a little bit out of the box, but it should work.

Riley Schmitt is a writer for Rant Sports.

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