Five surprising sure-thing keepers

August 13, 2010 by Chris Davies  
Filed under Baseball, Featured

If your team has performed as underwhelmingly as mine has this season, the playoffs are probably not what is No. 1 on your mind right now. Instead, you may be looking to the future and considering who your keepers should be. Everyone knows that Miguel Cabrera, Albert Pujols and Robinson Cano are going to be [...]

Josh Hamilton. ‘Nuff said.

August 8, 2010 by Tony Andracki  
Filed under Baseball

Josh Hamilton. What can you say about him? If you took a flyer on him in the middle rounds, I bet you’re happy, huh? Currently, Josh Hamilton is hitting .354 with an OBP of .405, 23 homers, 75 RBIs and 70 runs scored. Oh yeah, let’s not forget his 7 SBs. Obviously, Josh Hamilton is [...]

Hindsight is 20/20, even in Fantasy

August 6, 2010 by Philip Lasseigne  
Filed under Baseball, Featured

Hindsight is 20/20 with everything in life, including with the results of your fantasy draft. No matter where you draft or who you project to put up huge numbers, it doesn’t mean that player will put up the numbers that he is projected to. So, in honor of those who whiffed on the first rounds of their [...]