by Marian Hinton
Texas Longhorns star freshman suspended for first game
Thomas Campbell: US Presswire

The player name that fans of the Texas Longhorns football team have heard all summer long is that of freshman standout, Daje Johnson.

Last week, it was rumored that the incoming freshman WR/RB out of Pflugerville, Texas, had impressed coaches so much that he was expected to slide into the starting line up as a slot receiver in the Horns season-opener vs. the Wyoming Cowboys on September 1st.

Because of all the hype surrounding him over the last several weeks, he is one of the young players that Texas fans have been most anticipated seeing in action this fall; however, it looks like they’re going to have to wait a little longer than expected.

In a “state-of-the-team” press conference held this afternoon, head-coach Mack Brown stated that Daje has been suspended for the first game due to a “violation of team rules.”

No other information was given, and knowing Mack Brown, none will be.

There is no telling how serious Johnson’s violations were, but to be placed in the doghouse the week before your collegiate football debut doesn’t sound like a good idea-particularly when you had worked so hard to impress your coaches and teammates.

To be fair, it could have been something minor, like missing curfew or missing a meeting. Anything more serious usually warrants a longer suspension from Coach Brown. Regardless, it still isn’t a good move.

Hopefully he will be able to learn from this and develop into the type of dynamic and explosive player-maker we’ve all heard that he is capable of becoming with the Texas Longhorns.



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