Packers Headlines & Injury Report


October 18, 2010 by jrlombardi  
Filed under Blog Network, Green Bay Packers, NFC North

Jrlombardi reviews Packers headlines and injury report. Wilde says WR Jennings’ breakout game means nothing without a win, the Packers acquired S Smith and potential trade rumors for Cowboys RB Barber, QB Rodgers had a rough game getting two chipped teeth, the controversial game changing call on a punt giving a first down to the Dolphins, and Coach McCarthy believes that the sputtering offense lacks timing and rhythm. Writer Silverstein reports that the games plan by the Dolphins successfully abused the Packers’ defensive weakness and CB Williams cares only about controlling things that the defense can control.  McGinn discusses the ongoing issues about the special teams. Bedard correctly points out that the defense is getting help with Smith, Atari Bigby, and Al Harris coming...

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