Triple H vs CM Punk Might be too Soon

Published: 21st Aug 11 4:03 pm

One of the best feuds and storylines the WWE has ever had was Stone Cold Steve Austin vs Vince McMahon. It solidified who the Rattlesnake was and in my opinion pushed him to the level of the biggest star in WWE history. It also took Vince from the just the owner of the WWE to the evil genius in charge.

With the recent departure of Vince from WWE TV I feel like this Triple H vs CM Punk storyline has come along too quickly. I am not saying this isn’t a storyline we all want to see because it is. I also feel it’s a storyline that can have the same effect on H as the man in charge and push Punk to the head of the pack in the WWE. I just feel like the timing is poor. Right now it seems like Punk and H are headed for a Wrestlemania match up. It’s moving too quickly. I really hope they wait for a year from this upcoming mania and take their time building this storyline.

The problem is if I know the WWE they are not going to be patient and crowbar this storyline in ASAP. I would love to see Punk finish this feud with Kevin Nash and then move on to another feud, preferably with Del Rio that lasts through Mania. I would also like to see Triple H get a chance to establish his corporate character a bit more. Like I said I doubt the WWE actually does this but I can always dream.

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