Knicks Drop Bulls On Christmas

December 26, 2010 by Danny Ferrara  
Filed under MLB

     The Knicks played the role of Santa Claus and brought one of the best presents to the city of New York – a victory. In another thrilling game, much like the ones that we have actually become accustomed to seeing this season, the Knicks handed the Bulls their second head to head loss this season [...]

Rose on threshold of super-stardom, playing like an MVP

December 21, 2010 by Brandon LaChance  
Filed under MLB

Last year, we celebrated Chicago Bulls point guard Derrick Rose for becoming the first Bulls All-Star since Michael Jordan in 1998.  The confetti and blow horn sales will remain high in Chicago because Rose is about to add his name to another accolade: NBA MVP. I understand this is a brash statement early in the [...]

Derrick Rose Continues To Pad His MVP Resume

December 11, 2010 by Luis M  
Filed under MLB

It’s time for Chicago Bulls color analyst Stacey King to get out the official team letterhead and send out that memo he’s always talking about. You know, the one that says “Big time players make big time plays.” The one that notes that Derrick Rose is “Too big, too strong, too fast, too good.” Because [...]

Bulls, Blackhawks Ready For Homecoming

November 30, 2010 by Luis M  
Filed under MLB

Pack away the clown car and replace the circus music with Chelsea Dagger and the Alan Parsons Project. The Chicago Bulls and Blackhawks are back in town. Derrick Rose was nothing short of spectacular during the Circus Trip. Rose averaged 30.5 points, 6.5 assists and 5.6 rebounds as the Bulls went 3-2 on the annual [...]

The Hangover: Ravens vs Buccaneers Week 12 Ed.

November 30, 2010 by Bart Raeke  
Filed under Uncategorized

Welcome ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls, to another installment of the The Hangover.  Notch another win for the Baltimore Ravens as they hold off the pillaging the Tampa Bay Buccaneers, 17-10.  The game saw a variety of ups and downs, but in the end, the Ravens maintained the status quo and the AFC North [...]

Rose Embarrasses Tyreke Evans

November 29, 2010 by Brandon LaChance  
Filed under MLB

When I was in elementary and high school, Allen Iverson was one of my favorite players because he could make any defender look like a fool with his cross over.
Now, Derrick Rose, my current favorite player, is doing the same thing as he broke the ankle…

Another sign Chicago is a threat in the Eastern Conference: winning record on annual west coast road trip

November 29, 2010 by Brandon LaChance  
Filed under MLB

There have been many reasons to believe the Chicago Bulls are a real contender in the Eastern Conference this season including individual talent such as Derrick Rose and Joakim Noah, new coach Tom Thibodeau with a defense emphasis and off-season pickups such as the $80 million man, Carlos Boozer. Saturday, Chicago answered the hype once [...]

Laker bench unloads on Bulls for a 98-91 victory

November 24, 2010 by Brandon LaChance  
Filed under MLB

Derrick Rose, Joakim Noah and Taj Gibson put up their usual numbers and kept the Chicago Bulls (7-5) in the game, but the bench was outscored 38-to-10, which was the main factor in the 13-2 Los Angeles Lakers 98-91 win Tuesday. The Bulls hung in the game against the Lakers and at times looked as [...]

Next Stop is Los Angeles

November 23, 2010 by Brandon LaChance  
Filed under MLB

The Chicago Bulls are going to play the fourth game of their seven games in 11 days road trip Tuesday night against the reigning NBA Champions, the Los Angeles Lakers. Although, the Bulls have been playing solid basketball, they’ll have to step it up to another level to hang with the Lakers in Los Angeles, [...]

Anticipation continues to build for Boozer’s Bull debut

November 22, 2010 by Brandon LaChance  
Filed under MLB

During the off-season, the Chicago Bulls were not able to get LeBron James, Dwyane Wade, Chris Bosh or even Amare Stoudemire, which I’m glad, but they were able to pick up a player who could help take the Bulls from the eighth seed in the Eastern Conference to the elite status. Unfortunately, Carlos Boozer tripped [...]

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