LeBron James Is Ready For Prime Time

On one hand, LeBron James is an infinitely talented basketball player. On the other hand, he’s coming off like a douchebag. Yeah. I said it. So, what does LeBron do? I envision this whole ordeal as if it were a high schooler choosing his college of choice. Bron-Bron at a table with World Wide Wes [...]

Too much talk not enough signing

This summer’s NBA free agency has been hyped up for the past three years.  It is finally here, and we are still waiting for players to get signed. LeBron James, Dwayne Wade or Chris Bosh still don’t have a home, whether the locale is the same as last season or different. The only movement to [...]

LeBron’s Suitors Going About It All Wrong

The light at the end of the NBA free agency tunnel is rapidly approaching, and the hoopla will soon come to an end.
The scene outside the IMG building on East 9th Street over the past few days has been one that will be remembered for years to come in Cleveland, regardless of the final decision [...]

Stoudemire a Knick…will he lure another free agent?

The New York Knicks and Amare Stoudemire have supposedly agreed to a five year deal worth somewhere around $100 million. Stoudemire is a five time all-star and is revered as an explosive low post scorer.  By signing him, the Knicks have a little more leverage to get guys such as LeBron James or Dwyane Wade. [...]

Wade intrigued by Bulls proposal

Free agent Dwyane Wade met with the Chicago Bulls twice yesterday to discuss Wade signing with the Bulls.  According to Wade,  he is intrigued by the offer.  At the current time, he is the only free agent to meet with the organization twice. Wade is the third best player in the league behind Kobe Bryant [...]

Courting The King: Bulls Get Last Shot At LeBron James

When I was a kid playing baseball, I would fight tooth-and-nail to get last raps on the diamond. Today, the Chicago Bulls get last bats in a very important game that could shape what happens on the NBA hardwood for years to come. Owner Jerry Reinsdorf, coach Tom Thibodeau and the rest of the Bulls’ [...]

Coaches coming back and getting hired

The two head coaches of the teams in the NBA finals are going to return. Phil Jackson has decided he wants to come back to the Los Angeles Lakers to attempt to win another championship.  This would mean Jackson would have 12 rings and four three-peats.  It is never happened in the NBA.  I love [...]

Day 1: Everyone wins the Lotto

July 1st is the day anyone who has anything to do with the NBA has been waiting for…free agency. Friends of mine on Facebook wrote update statuses stating they were not doing anything except watching ESPN to see who was going to what team.  Chris Bosh, one of three big names in the free agency [...]

Scoop’s Suggestion

ESPN columnist Scoop Jackson doesn’t usually have good ideas, but a few weeks ago, he came up with an idea I think the Chicago Bulls should consider if they can’t sign Lebron James, Chris Bosh, Dwayne Wade or any duo combination. Jackson made a guest appearance on The Basketball Jones podcast June 11th.  During his [...]

Bulls coming at Lebron with the full court press

There is no doubt in my mind,  the Bulls organization wants nothing more than to sign Lebron James.  Actually,  every team in the league wants to, but only a few have salary cap room like Chicago. In attempts to get the proclaimed “KING”, they are sending the full court press. I have said repeatedly that [...]

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