What We Learned in Fantasy Football from Week 9

November 12, 2010 by Alex Reside  
Filed under Featured, Football

I saw an actual fantasy football fantasy this week. A friend of mine (who will rename anonymous under the pseudonym “Dusty Mills”) put up 184 points in a standard ESPN league. This was an incredible feat and if you have a bottle of champagne in arm’s reach of where you are sitting, please pop one [...]

Start These Guys and Sit Those Dudes: Week 9

November 6, 2010 by Tony Andracki  
Filed under Featured, Football

Wow we’re in Week 9 already?? Just a friendly reminder: Broncos, Jaguars, 49ers, Rams, Titans and Redskins are out on Bye. Which means Chris Johnson, Kyle Orton, Brandon Lloyd, Frank Gore, Alex and Troy Smith, Michael Crabtree, Vernon Davis, Knownshon Moreno, Vince Young, Randy Moss, Ryan Torain, Donovan McNabb, Santana Moss, Chris Cooley, Sam Bradford, [...]

The Billboard Top Fantasy Stars

November 6, 2010 by Tony Andracki  
Filed under Featured, Football

So, I was driving back from work the other day, and the song “Please Don’t Go” by Mike Posner came on the radio. Now, I had a long drive to go and I had already listened to this song on my I-Pod, but it followed “Like a G6,” so I just figured I’d leave it [...]

Start ‘em/Sit ‘em Grades–Week 8

November 4, 2010 by Tony Andracki  
Filed under Featured, Football

Alright, fans of the “Start These Guys, Sit Those Dudes” post, we’re going to do a new post each week grading our picks. That’s right, grading. No, not like middle school with A+’s and stuff like that. But, you could think of it that way if you want. Consider a ‘10’ to be an A+ [...]