Day 1: Everyone wins the Lotto

Boo ItRant It(No Rants)

July 1st is the day anyone who has anything to do with the NBA has been waiting for…free agency. Friends of mine on Facebook wrote update statuses stating they were not doing anything except watching ESPN to see who was going to what team.  Chris Bosh, one of three big names in the free agency market, tweeted he was also watching ESPN to see what moves were going to happen.  Then he tweeted he was going to Chicago to here there pitch,  I got excited. Anyway, four players were signed in during the first day of the open market.  All of them were over paid.  David Stern must have been handing out winning scratch off lottery tickets to these players, because they are not worth the contract they graciously accepted. One of them was in...

BallHype: hype it up!

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