A Tough Choice

Rumors have continued surrounding the Cowboys third string running back Tashard Choice. With all the extra attention, he has spoke out about how he would feel about a trade.
Choice is torn between getting a chance to prove himself with more playing time (on another team) and loyalty to the team that took him in the [...]

Jones Making Moves…

Jerry Jones recently said he expects 10 to 11 new Cowboys this season. Jones says no position is really safe and that he wants to see more competition coming into this year.
I could not be more pleased by these comments. It’s all about growth in the NFL and if we don’t make changes how can [...]

Here We Go Again

Bill Parcells is single handedly the reason the Cowboys have the team they have now. The number of coaches/players that he brought to in to help with the rebuilding of the Cowboys when he was coaching is hard to believe.
Lets start with coaches. Sean Payton was assistant head coach of the Cowboys before he left [...]

Lets Not Play Tag

As the offseason continues to progress, there’s one big uncertainty. What will the front office do with Miles Austin’s expiring contract. I personally am not really concerned because if there’s anything that Owner/GM Jerry Jones has done consistently, it’s pay the players that deserve to be paid (i.e. DeMarcus Ware). However, the franchise deadline on [...]

3-Headed Monster…Why We Need All Three

It’s the offseason, so I know the rumors will swirl. However, this talk of trading one of our backs (Barber or Choice) for whoever (A.Cromartie CB has been named) is flat out blasphemy. I don’t think breaking up the three running backs on the Cowboys active roster is smart. For one reason…Health. The Cowboys were [...]

Our Most Pressing Need

Lets be honest, our kickers last year were atrocious. Nick Folk had some kind of mental breakdown or something because after only missing two field goals in the 2008 season and five his rookie year (that’s seven if you’re keeping track at home) he missed TEN field goals in the 2009 season. Yes, that’s right [...]

What Are You Thinking!?

Every now and then, I am going to have a “What Are You Thinking” blog that touches on different subjects that creep into Cowboys fans/personnel/coaches/ minds. It can be good or bad, but the fact of the matter is I am going to address it. In my very first “What Are You Thinking” blog, I [...]

Emmitt…Hall Of Fame Bound

As if there was any question, Emmitt Smith was elected into the Hall of Fame earlier this month. A man who was touted too little and not fast enough, has his name atop the all time rushing list.  A model teammate, he finished his career with three Super Bowls, an MVP (1993), an offensive Rookie [...]

A Look Back…Offseason Is Here

Since the offseason has started, I thought that I would reflect on last years big offseason moves and see how they worked out for the team. First offseason move last year was releasing Terrell Owens. No one could have predicted Miles Austin would have better numbers than T.O. had last year, but the team chemistry [...]

Who’s Really No. 1?

In the middle of the 2008 season, owner/GM Jerry Jones decided to make a splash. He traded his first, third, and six round picks for wide receiver Roy Williams. Yes, the same Roy Williams who has only one season with a thousand yards receiving in his career. At the time of the trade [...]

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