Houston Rockets’ Dwight Howard Loves Dancing With Little Old Ladies

Dwight Howard

Chris Humphreys-USA TODAY Sports

The Dwight Howard show has made yet another stop, and this time it was at an Aspen, Col., night club. The Houston Rockets‘ newest big man has been the center of attention all summer long. It seems as if some stunt pulled by him is always in the news.

I will go as far as calling him the Johnny Manziel of the NBA — but Howard would probably argue he was immature first.

Besides firing back at fans on Twitter and then getting owned by them, having his own ‘Superman’-themed video made for him by Mark Cuban and dancing with elderly women … wait, what?

Here’s the video:

Yes, the big man was spotted at a night club in Aspen — as per his own Instagram — dancing with an old woman who wanted nothing more than to jump the Rockets’ prized possession. He went along with it like a good sport, but as you could tell by all of the other club-goers rushing to their phones, Howard didn’t care as long as he was the center of attention — what a shocker.

Although the lady probably had the time of her life before taking the bus back to the retirement home, Howard has to live with this 10 seconds of shame that, who knows, may have lasted longer than the video.

Funny? Yes. Weird? Yes. Should we expect anything less from the drama king? Not at all.

If this was any other NBA player, it would be more enjoyable and make you like the guy even more, but it’s Dwight. Little did this lady know that she was dancing with an oversized child.

Connor Muldowney is a columnist for www.RantSports.com. Follow him on Twitter @Connormuldowney, “Like” him on Facebook or add him to your network on Google.

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  • Jah

    To the Author,

    The only immature, attention-seeking, drama clown whore is YOU. I see absolutely nothing wrong with dancing with an elderly lady and giving her the time of her life. What crime did he commit? You sit there, manufacturing a problem when NONE exist. Shut up, idiot.

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