Video: MLB The Show Ad About the Chicago Cubs Winning the World Series

Published: 6th Mar 12 11:42 am
by Bryan Lutz
MLB Featured Columnist; Follow me @Lutzifer35

I am a White Sox fan, but I don’t fit into the stereotype of a Cubs hater. I am pretty indifferent on the Cubbies. I guess growing up is a big part of becoming indifferent. MLB: The Show came out today, which is my true Opening Day of the baseball season. I just got my copy, and look forward to starting a franchise with the Nationals, but that’s neither here or there.

This ad – which is brilliantly done – illustrates how the city of Chicago would react if the Cubs did win the World Series. It’s a pretty powerful commercial, even though it’s just a video game. I can’t really explain what the 2005 World Series meant to me because it really isn’t explainable.

I’m sure it will happen one day, Cubbies.

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