5th Grader Gets Busted For Gambling On March Madness

By Paul Troupe

March Madness, a time of fun office pools to see who can predict the better bracket. A time to prove who really is the best or perhaps most knowledge sports fan. Or really just the luckiest. People all over the country play, and one 5th grader that he was smarter than all the rest.

Max Kholl, a 5th grader at Columbian Middle School in Omaha, Nebraska, thought to organize a $5 entry bracket pool between his friends at the middle school. Technically speaking, that is gambling, but so are all the office pools. Unfortunately for Max, the principal found out, and squashed the idea. Thankfully, he avoided something serious like suspension, getting let off with just a warning.

Even his mom did not think the pool would be illegal. Max asked his mother, and she asked him why he needed five dollars. Max calmly responded that he was going to organize a bracket pool, and needed the money to cover the entry fee he decided. When the principal called, Mrs. Kholl said that she knew of the activities and did not think that it would be illegal. Who would?

If I were a parent, I’d have let my kid do it. Wouldn’t think twice about it. Max was on Jimmy Kimmel last night, and probably will have a few more people talking about it. I have had the privilege of meeting Max a few times because I know his older sister. She was pretty excited for him, and hey, a trip to Jimmy Kimmel was pretty fun for her.

Thanks to Omaha World Herald for the video, which can be found here.

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