David Stern on Cleveland Owner Dan Gilbert: “You’ve got to love him”

Published: 8th Mar 12 2:26 am
by Zach Mink
NBA Blogger
David Stern on Cleveland Owner Dan Gilbert: “You’ve got to love him”

Cleveland Cavaliers owner Dan Gilbert is quite the character. From his now infamous comic sans letter bashing LeBron James to his email pleading with NBA commissioner David Stern to block the Chris Paul to L.A. trade, Gilbert has made a fool of himself in the media his fair share of times over the last few years. But you have to hand it to him… The guy is passionate.

Commissioner Stern recently attended a Cavaliers game and weighed in on his opinion of Gilbert and his reaction to the email, according to The Cleveland Plain Dealer:

“I like Dan a lot,” said Stern, who took a break from a skiing vacation to take in the Cavaliers’ game against the Denver Nuggets on Wednesday night at Pepsi Center.

“In my pastoral role, I’ve suggested that he should always do a first draft and then put it in a drawer for a while or show it to his wife before he lets it go, but other than that, you’ve got to love him — and, actually, because of that, you’ve got to love him,” Stern said.

“I think Dan is going to be more prudent in his reactions, but I’m very happy for him. He’s so committed to Cleveland and I think that’s the well from which these communications spring. He cares deeply about the team and the community and he wants to put on a good game.”


Doing a rough draft and showing his spouse is probably a good idea. After that he should probably delete the draft, call Stern and talk it over in a civil manner. While it’s great to be passionate about something, writing a scathing impulsive email might not always be the best course of action. Then again, his idea to write an open letter bashing James for leaving Cleveland entirely in Comic Sans (famous in Disney advertisements, very intimidating) and uppercase letters to further emphasize his point wasn’t the greatest idea either.

Grab your popcorn when LeBron opts out of his contract in 2014 and flirts with the idea of returning to Cleveland. Because when James once again scorns the Cavs the Comic Sans will surely be flying.


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