Fantasy Sports Fantasy Football

5 Reasons Why You Should Start Playing Fantasy Football In 2015

5 Reasons Why You Should Start Playing Fantasy Football In 2015

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Fantasy football has become one of the most popular games in the U.S., and it doesn't show any sign of slowing down in terms of growth. These are five reasons why you should start playing in 2015.

5. Creates Interest In Uninteresting Games

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5. Creates Interest In Uninteresting Games

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How many times have you turned on your TV on a Sunday and realized your local programming provider has "provided" you a horrible NFL game with no significance in your life? With fantasy football, you have a reason to care again! Why? Your second string D is starting that game against a backup QB and you need the points to win that week in your league. Fantasy football brings relevance to many games that even the teams playing don't care about.

4. Gives You a Reason To Be Sociable

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4. Gives You a Reason To Be Sociable

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Look at you, spending all day cooped up in your living room watching football on TV for nine straight hours. Get out of the house! With fantasy football, you suddenly have a reason to hit the ESPN Zone or your local sports bar where multiple NFL games will be on. You need to track every player and sympathize with other people who made the same bad draft decisions you did. You will be making new friends in no time.

3. Forces You To Learn New Technology

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3. Forces You To Learn New Technology

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No one uses flip phones anymore. Or dial-up service. Or any other technology that was prominent 20 years ago. Playing fantasy football will finally give you an excuse to upgrade, as you will need a decent computer and internet connection to draft, as well as a smart phone to track stats on Sundays. Admit it, it's long overdue anyway; your friends are laughing at your Nextel.

2. Ability To Turn Enemies Into Friends

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2. Ability To Turn Enemies Into Friends

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One of the great things about fantasy football is that it allows fans of rival teams to hang out together without wanting to fight. If you both are going against Peyton Manning in your team's leagues, then you have a common interest in rooting for the same thing -- at least for that week.

1. A Fantasy Win Helps the Pain of Your Real Team Losing

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1. A Fantasy Win Helps the Pain of Your Real Team Losing

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If you have played fantasy football before, you are familiar with this line: "Well, at least my fantasy team won". Yes, fans would rather their favorite real NFL team win and make it to the Super Bowl, but usually they don't get that wish. If your fantasy team wins that week, at least you can deflect slightly from the ribbing you get when you come to work on Tuesday.

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