
Co-owner of the Warriors, Joe Lacob just named his son Kirk GM of the Warriors D-League team. It actually isn’t really much nepotism as Kirk was involved with the Warriors organization last year and impressed a bunch of people. It is funny though that it took less than a year before Joe gave his son a big position within the organization.

So far daddy has done a good job so I can only hope that if Kirk is as good as advertised that he can be groomed to keep the good coming. Way to early to say that but it is just another thing to get a tiny bit excited about. It’s always nice to know when the owner looks to move on instead of selling the team Lacob could just turn the team over to his son instead of selling to an unknown. Like I said though it’s a bit early to get excited about this until we know a little more about what Lacob will do for the Warriors. We could all be excited for his departure as we were for Cohan’s. However Lacob is off to a great start.

Good luck, Kirk. I hope you find us some good talent out there in the minors.

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