NCAA Football ACC FootballFlorida State Seminoles

Jameis Winston Blames Crab Leg Theft On Age; Another Slip Up Is Looming

To say that I was confused upon checking Twitter on Wednesday morning would be putting it lightly. Why are there ‘photos’ of Jameis Winston with crab legs?

I quickly figured out that the Heisman trophy winner had allegedly jacked seafood from a store and had been cited for shoplifting.

The 20-year old QB has since come out and acknowledged he made a mistake on Tuesday night:

“As reported in the news, last night I received an adult civil citation for petit theft from a local supermarket. I went to the supermarket with the intent to purchase dinner but made a terrible mistake for which I’m taking full responsibility. In a moment of youthful ignorance, I walked out of the store without paying for one of my items…I must realize that my mistakes are magnified and can bring great embarrassment to all those who support me every day. I make no excuses for my actions and will learn and grow from this unfortunate situation.”

I get it. We’ve all done stupid crap because of youth. Call it ignorance or whatever you want — anyone who’s been his age knows what I’m talking about. But this is a disturbing move from Winston. For a guy who just went through a lengthy legal fiasco a few months back, he doesn’t seem to be learning anything.

No one knows for sure what happened in his sexual assault case. There apparently wasn’t enough evidence to continue the investigation and it was dropped. Either way, he dodged a huge bullet.

Getting caught shoplifting a few months later just looks really, really bad. It makes me wonder — when will he slip up again? A guy can only be given so many ‘get out of jail free’ cards before he goes down.

Winston needs to be on his best behavior for the remainder of his time at FSU. By that I mean no sketchy behavior whatsoever. He needs to be straight-laced and use his best judgement in every social situation.

One thing has been made very clear from this whole crab leg incident though — Florida State isn’t paying him on the side.

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