Greg Schiano New Buccaneers Head Coach Thanks to Bill Belichick and Glazer Family Cheapness

Published: 26th Jan 12 1:29 pm
by Mr. Destiny
Mr. Destiny
Richard Mackson-US PRESSWIRE

Adam Schefter has stated one of the people the Glazer family spoke with was Bill Belichick when doing research on Greg Schiano. Since they couldn’t land a Super Bowl coordinator like Kevin Gilbride or Joe Philbin, the Glazer family figured a college coach endorsed by a Super Bowl coach would do just fine. Belichick considers Schiano to be NFL ready because of his ability to prepare players for the league by running a pro system at Rutgers. What we know is Greg Schiano is indeed a solid coach on the college level. He has turned a Rutgers program into a contender and coached super stars such as Kenny Britt and Ray Rice. What we don’t know is how ready he is to be a NFL coach. Raheem Morris had 7 years of NFL experience before getting the Buccaneers head coaching job. Greg Schiano has only 3 seasons as an assistant. The last three years, Rutgers has finished no better than 4th in their conference. His defense was blown out by The University of  Connecticut Huskies to end the 2011 regular season. A team that had failed to score more than 35 points all season put up 40 on Greg Schiano. But hey, Bill Belickick gave him an endorsement. I’m sure it had nothing to do with Belichick’s son being on the Rutgers team as a long snapper. If a guy hasn’t been asked to the dance in over 12 years, there is probably a good reason. Yet for the Buccaneers, he was the only one willing. The result is not a departure from Raheem Morris, but a step back in terms of experience. This is not what we expected. It is not Greg Schiano’s fault either. All we can do is support him, but let’s do so from afar. The only way the Glazer family will start investing in this team is if we stop giving them our money.

The Glazer family continued to destroy this organization with their commitment to counting their pot of gold at the end of the rainbow. Charlie Campbell of Walter Football reported a few days ago 6 or 7 candidates snubbed the Buccaneers because the Glazer family wanted to cut severance packages. They were fine offering Chip Kelly a reported $6 million dollars a year, but a severance package, that was a deal breaker. As of September 2011, the Glazer family’s net worth is $2.7 billion according to Forbes. Both the Buccaneers and Manchester United are valued at $1 billion dollars total. Malcom Glazer felt comfortable taking on that kind of debt, but a few million dollars or less for a severance package? No way. I am far from a person with great business acumen, but the basic understanding that one must invest in their product if their product is going to earn more profit and succeed seems to be lost on the Glazer family. This is why they wanted to be hands on in this coaching search. No way they were going to allow Mark Dominik to build a winning team. This is why the Buccaneers were one of the first teams with a head coach vacancy but the last to fill it. This is why the Buccaneers are the current laughing stock of the NFL.

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