NFL Oakland Raiders

Brian Billick rules out coaching Oakland Raiders

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Super Bowl winning head coach Brian Billick recently sat down with a reporter from the Baltimore Sun and reflected on his coaching career. Billick, now an NFL Network host, was the head coach of the Baltimore Ravens from 1999-2007 and led the Ravens to a Super Bowl XXXV victory.

The interview, conducted by Peter Schmuck of the Sun, was a retrospective on Billick’s career with the Ravens and their Super Bowl run. It really is a very good interview.

At the end of the interview, Billick is asked if he thinks he’ll ever stand on the Super Bowl championship stage again. Billick replied that he thinks when he does come back, his experiences as an analyst at the NFL Network will help him be a better coach. I found it interesting that Billick did not through out the obligatory answer that he loves where he’s at, loves the job, loves the people and so on.

Billick did say that he will come back into the coaching ranks, but adds the caveat that he wants the right situation. “But it’s got to be the right situation and with the right people, and that’s a narrow bandwidth. What am I going to do, work for Al Davis? Not going to work. Out of respect for Mr. Davis, I don’t think we would work well together. Why would I put myself in that situation?”

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