Jeremy Lin vs. Tim Tebow: 5 Reasons “Linsanity” is Nothing Like “Tebow-Mania”

Published: 15th Feb 12 5:39 pm
by Jeff Shull
New York Giants, Houston Texans, Texas A&M Football Featured Columnist

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Since February 4, a phenomenon has taken the NBA by storm and captivated the sport to the extent we've never seen from such a player. His name is Jeremy Lin.

Linsanity. Linsane. Lincredible. There are several more of these, but aside from the nicknames, Jeremy Lin is also No. 1 in jersey sales since his first game just 11 days ago.

Many have now compared it to the phenomenon that was "Tebow-mania" in the NFL. Tim Tebow of the Denver Broncos was the most talked about player in the NFL this year, and so far Jeremy Lin is the most talked about player in the NBA, even in the small number of days he's been playing.

But the two stories are not as comparable as the media would have you believe, and here are five reasons why.

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