Beware the Piggyback Bandit: Man Banned From High School Sports in 5 States

Published: 16th Feb 12 11:04 pm
by Jeff Shull
New York Giants, Houston Texans, Texas A&M Football Featured Columnist
Beware the Piggyback Bandit: Man Banned From High School Sports in 5 States
West Central Tribune

I love sports, but more importantly covering them, because it is not every day you come across stories like the “Piggyback Bandit.”

Apparently a man from Washington dressed up in a basketball uniform, pretended to be handicapped, and proceeded to be one of the creepiest persons on the face of the planet.

“He helped lay out uniforms, got water. He even gave a couple of kids shoulder massages. Creepy stuff like that,” said Jim Haussler, activities director for the Bismarck Public School District.

According to the report, after the game 28-year old Sherwin Shayegan runs on the court with the winning team and asks for a piggyback ride, and got one.

“He makes himself appear as if he’s limited or handicapped. I think he plays an empathy card, so to speak,” Haussler said. “We didn’t realize what we were dealing with until several days later.”

The weird part? Not only has he been doing this since 2008 and not been punished, but he expanded his territory across five states.

He is now banned from high school sporting evens in Washington, Oregon, Montana, North Dakota, and Minnesota. Not to be considered a one-sport creepy guy, he has also done this to unsuspecting football, hockey, and soccer players.

According to the Associate Press article linked above:

“Shayegan has asked for piggybacks, attempted to pay for piggybacks and just sprung one upon an unsuspecting kid. He has pretended to interview athletes for a term paper, acted as a team manager or just tried to blend in with the crowd for a piggyback payoff.”

The article goes in to more detail, but for my own sake I prefer not to repeat it. It is nothing graphic, but it is one of the more creepy things I’ve ever read. Talk about a guy having problems, he is in need for some serious counseling sessions.

Thanks to the West Central Tribune for the photo.


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