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Philadelphia Flyers Mailbag: Winter Classic, Danny Briere, and Flyers Defense

Published: 7th Feb 12 11:57 am
Johnny Machurek
NHL Featured Writer & Philadelphia Flyers Featured Columnist
Eric Hartline-US PRESSWIRE

This is the first edition of the Philadelphia Flyers mailbag, I will be answering questions that readers have submitted.  Sorry, if I was not able to get to your question this time, but feel free to send them in to me [email protected].

Let’s jump right in:

1.) Going back to the Winter Classic, late in the 3rd period when Kimmo Timonen thwarted a 2 on 0 break-away with the goalie pulled by “interfering” with Ryan Callahan who in turn was called for “holding the stick” by the refs.  My question is: If the refs didn’t call the Callahan penalty would a goal have been awarded since the net was empty? I think the answer is yes but am really not sure.


Joe S.


A: You are correct if Callahan was not called for the peanlty, than it would be an awarded goal.  Rather than just take me at my word I searched the NHL Rule Book.

Rule 25 – Awarded Goals

25.1 Awarded Goal – A goal will be awarded to the attacking team when the opposing team has taken their goalkeeper off the ice and an attacking player has possession and control of the puck in the neutral or attacking zone on, without a defending player between himself and the opposing goal, and he is prevented from scoring as a result of an infraction committed by the defending team.



2.) Do you think Briere will be back soon?

Samantha R.


A: Danny Briere will actually be back in action tonight against the New York Islanders.  I saw him at practice on Friday and he for sure looked ready to go; you would not have been able to tell anything was wrong with him.

Danny Briere will return tonight, plus JVR speaks. Post from @BroadStBull : http://t.co/xj3iDidg #flyers
February 7, 2012 11:33 am via Seesmic twhirlReplyRetweetFavorite
Philly.com Sports

As Briere has said himself he isn’t worried about conditioning, he is more worried about timing.

Briere sustained the concussion 1/21, and resumed skating 1/30. He isn't worried about conditioning, concerned a bit about timing.
February 7, 2012 11:29 am via webReplyRetweetFavorite
Sarah Baicker



3.) Homer said he thinks our defense is good enough, what do you think?



A:  Well of course Paul Holmgren is going to say our defense is fine, he doesn’t want to bring down morale.  As for me, I don’t think this defense is ok in any way.  Even someone that just watched the last few games could tell how bad we need D.  I have wrote a couple articles about it, I also stated who the Flyers could target.

The Flyers need a defenseman or they will not be able to compete in the playoffs.  Philly cannot beat the Boston Bruins or New York Rangers in a seven game series with the current defense.


That is all for now but feel free to submit your questions.  I enjoy hearing from you guys and answering your questions.

Follow Johnny on Twitter @JohnnyMacNHL.

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