Video: Check Out This Massive ‘Tebowing’ Snow Sculpture of Denver Broncos QB Tim Tebow

Published: 9th Feb 12 10:58 am
by Dan Parzych
Director of Content

Even though the NFL season has officially come to an end, Tebowing is still taking the sports world by storm as fans continue to do their best impression of Denver Broncos quarterback Tim Tebow in public. One of the latest trends–an actual snow sculpture of Tebow doing his famous Tebowing.

As you can see in the video above, Tracy Fox and his family in Colorado decided to put together a massing “Tebowing” sculpture outside of their house and to be honest–it’s one of the most impressive snow sculptures I’ve ever seen. It must have taken hours for the Fox family to make the sculpture turn out the way it did and the end product became so popular–even the local news station did a story on their work of beauty.

The only unfortunate thing about a display like this is the Tebowing sculpture was melting quicker than Fox would have liked it to on Super Bowl Sunday since the sun was out–so he had to work pretty quickly. Thanks to Bro Bible for the tip on the video.

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